Molly found in suspect’s bra

Published 6:09 pm Friday, September 25, 2015

THOMASVILLE — The bright-blue substance resembling aquarium gravel retrieved from a female suspect’s bra at the Thomas County Jail is a synthetic substance sweeping the nation.

Meanwhile in the same drug case, a suspect devoured marijuana when approached by narcotics agents.

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Thomas County/Thomasville Narcotics/Vice Division agents received a tip midmorning Thursday that Katie Marie Moler, driving a 1990s model white Mustang, would be in the Carroll Hill area in possession of molly, a Schedule I narcotic.

The Mustang turned into a store parking lot, with Moler 17, 210 Cassidy Road, at the wheel. Ramsey Joshua Ford, 24, 703 E. Clay St., was a front-seat passenger, with Quent Rashed Lankford, 24, 312 Law St., sitting on the back seat.

“We could tell (Mr.) Lankford had something in his mouth, and it appeared he was trying to swallow it,” said Kevin Lee, narcotics/vice commander. Lankford swallowed marijuana.

When Ford stepped form the car, he dropped a bag of molly. A candy box containing a straw and plastic bag with molly residue was found under the driver’s seat.

As Lankford was removed from the Mustang, a plastic bag of molly was found on the floor by his foot.

A more thorough search of Moler at the jail produced a plastic wrap of molly in her bra.

While under the influence of molly, users hallucinate, cry, experience mood swings and restlessness. The heart rate and blood pressure increase, along with body temperature.

Moler is charged with possession of molly, a Schedule I narcotic, and carrying drugs beyond guard line.

Lankford and Ford are charged with possession of a Schedule I narcotic.

Senior reporter Patti Dozier can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1820.