Immunization Clinic Held at Thomas County Middle School
Published 7:10 pm Tuesday, August 26, 2014
- Avis Harbert, R.N., administers one of the required vaccines to seventh grader Brooke Miller.
Beginning this current school year, seventh graders are required to have one dose of the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccine and one dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine no later than September 2, 2014. In an effort to assist parents and make it easier for students to receive the mandatory vaccine, Thomas County Schools partnered with the Thomas County Health Department to provide immunizations at Thomas County Middle School Tuesday.
The new immunization requirements were revised to align with the current recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). The addition of these new school requirements will lead to an increase in immunization coverage levels in Georgia and reduce disease not only in these populations, but throughout the state. Data from the National Immunization Survey (NIS) ranked Georgia 39th in Tdap rates and 22nd in meningococcal rates. Implementation of these new requirements will increase vaccine coverage rates and protect Georgia children enrolled in school, as well as family members and others in the community. The Georgia Department of Public Health is optimistic that the reduction in disease rates will concurrently reduce school absentee rates and thereby also improve students’ performance.
“The state of Georgia has specific immunization requirements for students entering schools and daycare facilities to protect your children, other family members, classmates, staff and the community at large,” Thomas County Health Department County Nurse Manager Carolyn Simmons explained. “Beginning July 1, 2014, all children born on or after Jan. 1, 2002, who are attending 7th grade, and students who are newly enrolled in Georgia schools in grades 8-12, must have received one dose of Tdap vaccine and one dose of adolescent meningococcal (meningitis) disease vaccine.”
“Meningococcal vaccine protects against meningitis, a serious bacterial illness that attacks the covering of the brain and spinal cord,” Simmons added. “We are delighted to work with the Thomas County Schools to ensure our students have quick, easy access to the protection provided by these vaccinations.”
Lisa Williams, Thomas County Schools Assistant Superintendent for Student Services and Governmental Relations, said “If your child was unable to participate in the immunization clinic at the middle school, please contact the health department or your child’s physician. Once your child has received the required vaccines, please send a copy of the completed Georgia Department of Public Health Certificate of Immunization Form 3231 to his or her school. In order for your child to remain in school, the completed immunization form must be on file at your child’s school by September 2, 2014.”
“I would like to thank the Thomas County Health Department for partnering with the school system to make required immunizations easily accessible to our students. Our school nursing staff and our student services department, led by Mrs. Lisa Williams at the county office, have done an excellent job informing parents about the new immunization requirements. It is our goal that 100% of Thomas County students will meet immunization requirements on time so that no school days will be lost due to the lack of required immunizations.”
If you have any questions about the new vaccine requirements, contact the Thomas County Health Department at 229-226-4241 or your child’s primary physician.